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Lodging Survey

The Arcadia Valley Chamber of Commerce is striving to determine lodging capacity in the immediate area.  This information will be useful as we plan more mountain biking events, as well as other activities.  We're finding that one of the first questions asked for a big event is "how many rooms do you have available in the area?".


The following survey will help us assess that information if you would be so kind as to fill it out.


If you own more than one lodging establishment, please fill out a survey for each one.  Each field requires an input.  If a particular field does not apply to your business, please state that.


Thanks for your participation.  Accurate lodging information for the area will be an important asset as we continue to attract mountain biking and other events.



Lodging Type

How To Rent

If A Hotel/Motel Or A B&B, Enter Number Of Rooms For Rent.  If Not Applicable, Enter N/A.

If A Campground Or RV Business, Enter # Of Rental Spaces.  Designate If "Camping Site" Or "RV Parking" Spaces By The #.  If Not Applicable, Enter N/A.

If A House Or Condo, Indicate How Many People It Can Accommodate. If Not Applicable, Enter N/A.

If Your Establishment Is Unique And You Need To Clarify Any Of Your Answers, Please Do That Here.  If No Comments, enter N/A.

Thanks much for filling out our survey.  If you have another business to enter, you'll have that opportunity once you click "Submit" below.

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